Before You Begin

  1. Download and install Snagit. A free trial is available. After the trial, a personal subscription is $39/year. 
  2. Download and install Zoom Workplace. Login to your Zoom account or create a new account.

Open and Configure Snagit

  1. Select the orange Snagit icon on your desktop or toolbar.
  2. In Snagit, select the Video tab.
  3. On the Video tab, enable Record System Audio.

Open Zoom and Join Your Zoom Meeting

  1. Select the Zoom blue Zoom icon on your desktop or toolbar.
  2. Join your Zoom meeting.

Record a Participant Presentation 

  1. Select the orange Snagit icon on the toolbar to bring the Snagit window to the foreground on top of the Zoom window.
  2. Make sure the participant's microphone is unmute and their video camera is on.
  3. When the participant is ready to present, select the Capture button in the Snagit window.
  4. Select the screen area you want to record.
  5. Wait for the recording function to initialize.
  6. Select the red record button.
  7. Wait for the countdown to end. 
  8. Direct the participant to start their presention. For example, you might say, "Action!"
  9. When the participant is finished with their presentation, select the blue  button.
  10. The video will open in Snagit Editor.
  11. In the Finish Screen Capture dialog box, select Finish.
  12. Save the video recording to your computer. Make sure you save it to a locatin where you can find it easily.

Play the Recording in Zoom

  1. Select the saved file to open and play it. 
  2. The video should begin playing automatically. (The default application in Windows 11 is Movies & TV.)
  3. Pause the video and rewind it to the beginning.
  4. In Zoom. select the Share button in the toolbar.
  5. In the Share dialog window, check Share sound and Optimize for video sharing.
  6. Select the app where the video is playing (such as Movies & TV) and select Share.
  7. Start the video again.
  8. When the video is finished, select Stop Sharing in the Zoom toolbar at the top of the screen.