Customized for Fannie Mae

Thank you for purchasing EPS Anywhere for your company. We look forward to working with you to deliver this program. This document outlines the steps that you should take before and during the program.

Before the Program

  1. Appoint a host, producer, or technical assistant to support the program.
  2. In Webex Meetings, create a meeting that corresponds to the dates and times of the program.
  3. Customize the attached confirmation email that you will send to participants. Insert the Webex Meeting information into the confirmation message and include the attached Pre-program Assignment.
  4. Send the confirmation email to participants at least two weeks before the program is scheduled.
  5. You might also want to send a meeting invitation to participants that contains access information.
  6. Send a copy of the confirmation message and the meeting invitation to the instructor.
  7. Download the program assets from Dropbox.
  8. At least one week before the program, hold a "dry run" of the program with the instructor.

During the Program

  1. Meet the instructor in the session 60 minutes before the scheduled start time.
  2. Greet participants as they arrive and assist them with any technical difficulties. (The instructor will also greet participants.)
  3. At the scheduled start time, invite the instructor to begin the program.
  4. If needed, help the instructor share the program assets.
  5. Assist the instructor in monitoring the chat pane for participant questions or comments.